The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) agreed to collaborate with the Faculty of Engineering, Gorontalo State University (FT UNG), which was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the Dean of FT UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D., and the Dean of FT UNG, Dr. Sardi Salim, M.Pd. in the transit room of FT UNY KPLT Building (16/02/2021). This cooperation agreement is a form of commitment and goodwill of both parties to realize the Implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Program.
Prof. Herman said that this cooperation agreement serves as a guideline in implementing the MBKM Program between FT UNY and FT UNG. "At present, cooperation is a must, especially in welcoming MBKM which was rolled out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in order to provide opportunities for students to hone their abilities according to their talents and interests by going directly to the world of work in preparation for future careers," said Herman.
Prof. Herman added that developing human resources and improving the quality of campus academic quality are key components in implementing the MBKM policy. One of the activities that support the improvement of human resources and the quality of education is by conducting educational cooperation between campuses.
"Now, the campus is required to be more responsive in playing its function to produce graduates who are adaptive to the needs and demands of the real world, especially from the business world and the industrial world (DUDI), namely human resources who are adaptive, competitive, superior and have character in accordance with the demands of 21st century competencies," continued the Dean of FT UNY.
This collaboration itself includes student exchanges between the two faculties, taking courses in the same / allied study programs through an online learning system, lecturer exchanges between the two faculties, internship opportunities for students between the two faculties, collaborative research development between lecturers in both faculties and publication of scientific papers.