
Quality assurance is a series of related processes and systems for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on the performance and quality of educators and educational personnel, programs, and institutions. The quality assurance process identifies aspects of achievement and improvement priorities, provides data as a basis for planning and decision making, and helps build a culture of continuous quality improvement. The goal of the quality assurance system is to improve service quality so that student stakeholders/parents or student guardians, graduate users, and other related parties are happy and graduates are able, skilled, and have a good heart.
The Quality Assurance Unit (TPM) is tasked with coordinating the implementation of quality control of education and academic services at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Yogyakarta, while the Quality Assurance Group (GPM) is in charge at the department and study program level. In the quality system, the controlled or monitored aspects are contained in a quality plan, which includes lecture preparation, lectures and exams, student achievement evaluations, lecturer performance evaluations, study contracts, final assignments (thesis), thesis exams, graduations, graduates, and academic services. At the Quality Assurance Center level, UNY has been equipped with hardware and software, for example, University Academic Quality Policy, Quality Manual, SOP, etc., while the Quality Assurance Team (TPM) and Quality Assurance Team (GPM) are equipped with Faculty Academic Quality Policies and SOUP. Several activities have been carried out by the Quality Assurance Team (TPM) and the Quality Assurance Group (GPM):
- Making questionnaires or instruments for lecturers' performance and the quality of infrastructure.
- Implementation of questionnaires/instruments of lecturer performance and quality of infrastructure to students every semester at the beginning and end of lectures.
- Lecturer performance analysis is based on a lecturer's performance questionnaire or instrument, whose results are given to each lecturer.
The Quality Assurance Unit (TPM) and the Quality Assurance Group (GPM) act as drafters in quality assurance, while departments and study programs act as executors. The Quality Assurance Unit takes steps operationally to carry out quality assurance through controlling the lecture process and academic services. It is hoped that there will be continuous improvement in all related aspects through various agendas, namely faculty work meetings, faculty coordination meetings, faculty senate meetings, curriculum review meetings , self-evaluation meetings, lecturer performance evaluation meetings, and academic services. This internal evaluation is effective in controlling the dynamics of the management of the Diploma-III Mechanical Engineering Program, Yogyakarta State University, in the academic process in the departments and study programs carried out with reference to the quality management system of the Yogyakarta State University Faculty of Engineering.