Workshop on the Alignment of Study Program Names on Diplomas and Transcripts in the English Version for International Accreditation Pilots

UPM FT UNY - Yogyakarta, October 10, 2023 - The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held a Workshop on the Alignment of Study Program Names on Diplomas and Transcripts in the English version to support the international accreditation pilot. This activity took place on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, from 09.00 to 13.00 WIB in the KPLT Conference Room, 2nd Floor. This event was organized by the FT UNY Quality Assurance Unit and attended by various stakeholders.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering said that in 2024, four study programs in FT will prepare themselves to obtain accreditation from ASIIN, as well as prepare themselves for other international accreditations that are recognized globally.
The Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (BAKK) highlighted the need to issue a certificate of equalization of the name of the study program, in order to meet the needs of alumni who register for CPNS and P3K. He also emphasized the importance of allocating faculty funds for visitation and international accreditation in 2024.
Dr. Gunadi, S.Pd., M.Pd. explained that the names of study programs change according to the era, and currently refer to the 2022 circular. The challenge faced is the strict naming of study programs in CPNS vacancies, which requires 100% conformity with the names listed in PDDIKTI.
Dyah Styowati Ciptaningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D. said that Civil Engineering currently cannot apply for ASIIN accreditation, but must prepare a curriculum that is suitable for other international accreditations. He also discussed accreditation funding, with the university covering the registration, accommodation, and transportation of the assessors, and the study program responsible for consumption and field technicalities.
Dr. Restu Widiatmono, S.Si., M.Si. emphasized the importance of study program names that are in accordance with the PDDIKTI system and suggested immediately submitting an official letter if there is a need for name adjustments.
Handaru Jati, ST, MM, MT, Ph.D. highlighted that the writing of the name on the diploma must be the same as that in the judicium system, and Korprodi is given access to the SKPI system to ensure consistency.
Moh. Adam Jerusalem, ST., SH., MT., Ph.D. said that the name of the study program at PTBB has changed over time, but must readjust to the accreditation from BAN PT to ensure conformity.
Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Didik Nurhadiyanto, ST, MT, IPU, ASEAN suggested that the name of Manufacturing Engineering be changed to Mechanical Engineering due to the confusion of prospective students and the greater market need for a diploma in Manufacturing Engineering compared to an undergraduate in Manufacturing Engineering.
This workshop successfully identified and discussed various issues related to the alignment of study program names to support international accreditation. The concrete steps proposed include submitting an official letter for name adjustment, increasing collaboration with P2B for material fixation, and allocating funds for international accreditation. This activity is expected to prepare FT UNY to face the challenges of international accreditation in the future.
Editor: RAA