Review Borang Reakreditasi Prodi S1 Teknik: Penyamaan Persepsi Penyusunan Borang Akreditasi LAM Teknik

UPM FT UNY - On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held important activities in order to review the re-accreditation forms of the S1 Engineering Studies Program, with the sub-activities of Equalization of Perceptions Preparation of the LAM Engineering Accreditation Form. The event took place from 08.00 to 12.00 p.m. in the 2nd floor KPLT Meeting Room and was attended by 25 participants, including faculty leaders, study program coordinators, prodi task force teams, quality assurance units (UPM), and educational staff.
Activity Report:
1. Opening and guidance:- The event was opened by Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T. - The guidance was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edy Supriyadi, MD, Deputy Dean of Academic Fields, Studentship, and Alumni.
2. Penyama Persepsi: - Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., Bonita Destiana, S.Pd., M. Pd., and Ir. Yosep Efendi, M-Pd. gave a presentation on the equivalence of perception in the preparation of the LAMTEK accreditation form. - Inputs and discussions on the obstacles to the formulation were submitted by Mohammad Adam Jerusalem, Ph.D., Asri Andarini Nurlita, M.-Pd, Ummi Fakhriyah Jayatri, M./Sc., M./B.A., Grahita Prisca Brillianti, M/Sc., Nova Suparmanto, m.Sc., Dr. Noor Fitrihana, MD, and Dr. Nurwidiana.
3. Form Preparation: - Activities are continued with the preparation of the accreditation form, so that prodi can immediately submit.
Objective: - Preparation of the LAMTEK accreditation form to support the S1 Industrial Engineering prodi in 2023.
Source: - This activity involves 20 people consisting of faculty leadership, study program coordinator, prodi task force team, quality assurance unit (UPM), and educational staff.
Mechanisms and Plans: - The event will take place on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 08.00 to 12.00 PM, in the KPLT Trial Room on the 2nd floor.
Output: - The LAMTEK accreditation form has been compiled to support the S1 Industrial Engineering prodi in 2023.
Result: - Finalization of LED document and Excel file APSK quantitative data.
Success indicators:
1. The event was attended by 100% of the Engineering Faculty, Quality Assurance Unit, and Prodi Task Force team preparing the LAMTEK accreditation form.
Continuity: - The Perceptions Equalization Activities for the Preparation of the LAM Technical Accreditation Forms will continue to be continued by the prodi to compile the forms. Faculty will review LAMTEK forms before submitting.
This meeting demonstrates the commitment of the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University in improving the quality and accreditation of the study programmes, as well as ensuring that all preparations are done well to optimal results.
Editor: RAA