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Koordinasi Penyusunan Akreditasi Program Studi Sesi Kedua di FT UNY

UPM FT UNY - On Monday, February 19, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held another coordination meeting for the preparation of study program accreditation. This activity was the second session which took place from 09.00 WIB to 11.00 WIB in the KPLT Conference Room, 2nd Floor and was attended by 30 participants. This meeting was organized by the Quality Assurance Unit of FT UNY with the aim of solidifying steps in facing the accreditation process.

Main Points of Discussion:

Coordination of Study Program Accreditation Preparation First Session at FT UNY

UPM FT UNY - On Monday, February 19, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held the first coordination meeting for the preparation of study program accreditation. This activity took place from 08.00 WIB to 09.00 WIB in the 2nd Floor KPLT Conference Room and was attended by 22 participants. This meeting was organized by the Quality Assurance Unit of FT UNY.

Main Points of Discussion:

Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., conveyed some important things related to the accreditation schedule and strategy:

Review Borang Reakreditasi Prodi S1 Teknik: Penyamaan Persepsi Penyusunan Borang Akreditasi LAM Teknik

UPM FT UNY - On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held important activities in order to review the re-accreditation forms of the S1 Engineering Studies Program, with the sub-activities of Equalization of Perceptions Preparation of the LAM Engineering Accreditation Form. The event took place from 08.00 to 12.00 p.m.

Dress rehearsal and field assessment simulation for Masters in Family Welfare Education (PKK)

Penjamu FT UNY - The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (UNY), held a dress rehearsal and PKK Masters Field Assessment Simulation activity, which took place on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, in the KPLT Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Engineering. This activity was organized by the UNY Quality Assurance Unit, with participants consisting of dress rehearsals and PKK Masters Field Assessment Simulations.

Activities for Preparation of LAMDIK Accreditation Forms for PKK Masters Program Phase 2

Penjamu FT UNY - On Monday, October 24, 2022, the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held an activity for the preparation of the second phase of the LAMDIK Accreditation Form for the PKK Masters Program in the KPLT Meeting Room Floor 2. This activity was carried out from 09.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB and was attended by faculty officials and the entire accreditation team of the PKK FT UNY Masters Study Program.

Three Study Programs in the FT UNY Environment Ready to Use APS 4.0

On March 13, 2019, the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT) issued a circular letter with number 570/BAN-PT/LL/2019 regarding the provisions of the 2019 APS proposal, which basically said that the proposed accreditation file sent after March 31, 2019 must use the latest instrument, namely the Study Program Accreditation (APS) 4.0 instrument. The APS 4.0 instrument and its guidelines are contained in BAN PT Regulation Number 2 of 2019. This new instrument consists of:

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