Koordinasi Penyusunan Akreditasi Program Studi Sesi Kedua di FT UNY

UPM FT UNY - On Monday, February 19, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held another coordination meeting for the preparation of study program accreditation. This activity was the second session which took place from 09.00 WIB to 11.00 WIB in the KPLT Conference Room, 2nd Floor and was attended by 30 participants. This meeting was organized by the Quality Assurance Unit of FT UNY with the aim of solidifying steps in facing the accreditation process.
Main Points of Discussion:
Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T. gave a number of important directions:
- Koorprodi Assistance: If the study program coordinator (Koorprodi) needs a companion, it can be proposed. Previously, there have been internal assessors such as Mrs. Jamilah, Mr. Kastam, and Mr. Udik.
- Task Force Team: An official decree is needed for the formation of the task force team.
- Form Preparation: Preparation of forms can refer to Lamdik with 9 criteria, requiring one lecturer for each criterion.
- LKPS filling: When filling out the Study Program Performance Report (LKPS), paying close attention to the assessment matrix is very important.
- Submit Schedule: Boga, Fashion, Architecture, Engineering Science, and Industrial Engineering study programs are scheduled to submit in 2024 using the old instrument.
- Utilization of Online Resources: The website https://pemutu.kemdikbud.go.id/ is used to view the status of Industrial Engineering.
- Accreditation Requirements: Meet the assessment scores of Quality Assurance, Adequate Number of DTPS, Curriculum, and Basic Sciences and Mathematics.
Proposed Assessor Team:
- Architecture: Mr. Udik
- S3 Engineering Science: Prof. Khair
- Industrial Engineering: Prof. Khair
- PTE: Prof. Khair
- PTM: Mr. Zaenur
- PTSP: Mr. Zaenur
- Boga: Mrs. Jamilah
- Fashion: Mr. Kastam
Remarks from the Dean of FT UNY:
Delivering accreditation preparations and stating that critical study programs need to write a letter to the rector to get the right solution.
Vice Dean of Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni delivered:
- Finalizing the Strategic Plan: Renstra will be finalized soon so that study programs can follow up.
- LKPS Preparation Schedule: Prodi is expected to submit a LKPS preparation schedule.
- Submit Forms: Fashion Study Program is scheduled to submit in August 2024, PTM in early 2025, Boga and Fashion in 2024.
- UPM Coordination: Confirmation whether automation is only for universities or also for study programs.
- Fund Absorption Strategy: Fund absorption at the beginning of this semester must be done strategically.
Input from Mohammad Adam Jerusalem, S.T., S.H., M.T., Ph.D:
- Rating Change: There is a change in accreditation ranking to “not accredited”, “accredited”, and “excellent”.
- Strengthen PD Dikti Data: Emphasized the importance of strengthening data on PD Dikti because in the future there will be no Field Assessors (AL), only seeing PD Dikti.
- Submit Industrial Engineering: Suggested Industrial Engineering submit in September to add data.
Dr. Apri Nuryanto, S.Pd.ST., M.T. said:
- VP in and VP out: Requested information about VP in and VP out in order to make an activity proposal.
- ASIIN Accreditation: Delivered that if PTM has participated in ASIIN then automation can be done.
Dr. Drs. Totok Heru Tri Maryadi, M.Pd. delivered:
- VP in implementation: Requested the immediate implementation of VP in.
- Coordination between Heads of Departments: Coordination between department heads and committees for activities such as seminars and national seminars.
Dr. phil. Nurhening Yuniarti, S.Pd., M.T. delivered:
- PTE Permission: Requested certainty whether PTE is allowed to participate in accreditation in 2024. Confirmed by Prof. Slamet that PTE is allowed, but needs to prepare alumni.
- ASIIN: Requested confirmation whether ASIIN is recognized.
Retna Hidayah, ST, MT, Ph.D. said:
- Home Base Issue: Conveyed the problem of home base in PD Dikti which only has 4 lecturers and the importance of accreditation for the licensing of new study programs which runs out in August.

Rapat ini ditutup dengan komitmen semua pihak untuk terus berkoordinasi dan bekerja sama dalam mempersiapkan akreditasi program studi dengan sebaik-baiknya, guna mencapai hasil yang optimal dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Editor: RAA