Renstra FT UNY 2023 Preparation Workshop: Tracing the Future with Measurable Strategy

UPM FT UNY - Yogyakarta, October 19, 2023 - The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held a Workshop on the Preparation of FT 2023 Strategic Plan in the KPLT Conference Room, 2nd Floor. The activity which started at 09.00 WIB until 13.00 WIB was attended by participants from academics and education staff. This workshop was initiated by the Quality Assurance Unit of FT UNY with the aim of preparing a Strategic Plan (Renstra) which will become the basis for faculty development in the future.
The Dean of FT UNY in his speech underlined the importance of input from all participants for the FT 2023 Strategic Plan Drafting Team. “The university's strategic plan so far tends to be theoretical and has not been explained practically,” said the Dean. He also highlighted the development plan of the technology and learning resources building located in the west, as well as the need for benchmarking despite funding constraints.
Dr. Ir. Bayu Rahmat Setiadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that the last FT Strategic Plan was prepared in 2021. “The old Renstra still mentions vocational and professional, so it needs a philosophical study and other foundations that are more relevant,” explained Dr. Bayu. He also emphasized the importance of anticipating the 2025 demographic bonus and the development of information technology.
Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., reminded that the faculty's vision and mission need to be aligned with the new strategic goals. “We will draft the Strategic Plan and then invite the participants back for further input,” said Dr. Umi. She also emphasized the importance of a follow-up meeting to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the baseline data until 2022.
In the discussion session, Dr. Priyanto, M.Kom., asked a critical question about the distance of LPTK from information technology. “What if FT explores MOOC for income generation and utilizes existing learning resource centers?” he asked. He also highlighted the need for integration of distance learning and development of new equipment.
Prof. Dr. Putu Sudira, MP, reminded that the time to prepare UNY Strategic Plan until 2026 is very short, so synchronization with FT Strategic Plan is very important. “FT must be able to optimize its potential, both in the field of culinary and fashion, to go international,” explained Prof. Putu. He also emphasized the importance of contextual analysis and measurable strategies to achieve the vision of a world-class university.
Prof. Samsul Hadi emphasized the need to include specific programs that show the uniqueness of FT UNY. “KPI is a must and we must support its achievement,” said Prof. Samsul. He also suggested the separation between vocational and engineering and the optimization of facilities and infrastructure as a source of income.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Masduki Zakarijah, M.T., highlighted the importance of FT in implementing UNY policies. “The main task of FT is to create professional education personnel,” explained Dr. Masduki. He also emphasized the need for faculty achievements to be measured and reported regularly.
Prof. Ir. Moh. Khairudin, Ph.D., stated that the FT Strategic Plan must refer to KKNI and include teacher outcomes in vocational schools and pure technical education. “Analysis of external conditions related to industry needs to be mentioned in the Renstra,” said Prof. Khairudin. He also emphasized the importance of baseline data until December 2022 and IABI accreditation.
Muslikhin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., emphasized that UNY's Strategic Plan has been designed to highlight income generation. “FT has great potential in clothing, shelter, and food,” Muslikhin explained. He also proposed optimizing the management of the use of rooms and laboratories until night.
Prof. Dr. Marwanti, M.Pd., conveyed the need to improve practical materials and FT's connection with industry. “Our lab works up to 3 shifts, including at night, to support student and lecturer activities,” said Prof. Marwanti.
The workshop is an important initial step in the preparation of the Renstra FT UNY 2023, with the hope of producing a comprehensive and applicable strategic plan, thus able to face global challenges and optimize the potential of the UNY FT in the future.
Editor: RAA