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Workshop on the Preparation of Regular Internal Quality Audit Reports (AMI) for the Faculty of Engineering in 2022

Workshop on the Preparation of Regular Internal Quality Audit Reports (AMI) for the Faculty of Engineering in 2022

Penjamu FT UNY - On Thursday, October 13 2022, the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held a Regular Internal Quality Audit (AMI) Report Preparation workshop. This activity was organized by FT UNY quality assurance and took place from 13.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB.

This workshop aims to provide understanding and knowledge on how to prepare an internal quality audit report effectively and accurately. Apart from that, this workshop also conveyed how to analyze data and prepare reports according to the standards set by the university.

This activity was attended by high-ranking officials from the UNY Faculty of Engineering, represented by Deputy Dean I for Academic and Cooperation, namely Prof. Dr. Edy Supriyadi, M.Pd. as well as the Head of the FT UNY Quality Assurance Unit and the internal quality audit drafting team. They will provide materials relating to the preparation of internal quality audit reports.

It is hoped that this workshop will be able to assist UNY Faculty of Engineering staff and employees in preparing internal quality audit reports appropriately and according to established standards, so as to improve the quality of service provided by the Faculty of Engineering to students and the public.


AMI 2022AMI 2022

Editor (RAA)