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PKK Masters Study Program Participates in Workshop on Preparation of LAMDIK Accreditation Forms

PKK Masters Study Program Participates in Workshop on Preparation of LAMDIK Accreditation Forms

Penjamu FT UNY - PKK Masters Study Program I participated in a workshop on the preparation of LAMDIK accreditation forms. This activity was facilitated by the faculty and quality assurance unit at YSU. This activity was held on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Activities started from 09.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB. This activity was carried out offline and located at the KPLT Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Engineering, UNY.

This activity was attended by the Dean and Deputy Deans, in this case represented by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Cooperation as the Director of Activities, the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit as the head of the activity, and the Team for Preparation of LAMDIK S2 PKK Forms, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The purpose of this activity is to prepare the second phase of the LAMDIK accreditation form for the PKK Masters Program which will be submitted to the Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK).

At the beginning of the opening of the activity, the Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Unit, Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., said, "The PKK Masters form will change to the LAMDIK form, and the missing documents will be completed."

During the activity, the members of the drafting team will prepare accreditation forms according to LAMDIK standards. Each group is also guided by a supervisor from the quality assurance unit of the UNY Faculty of Engineering.

The activity of compiling this accreditation form is an important stage in the accreditation process for the PKK Masters Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. Through this activity, it is hoped that an accreditation form that meets LAMDIK standards will be created and can support the quality of education provided in the study program.


Tim Penyusun Borang LAMDIKTim Penyusun Borang LAMDIK

Editor (RAA)