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Coordination of ASIIN Self Assessment Report (SAR) Accreditation Form Revision at FT UNY

Coordination of ASIIN Self Assessment Report (SAR) Accreditation Form Revision at FT UNY

UPM FT UNY - On Monday, January 22, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) organized an important meeting for the Coordination of the Review of ASIIN Self Assessment Report (SAR) Accreditation Form. The event, which was held from 09.00 am to 11.00 pm, was attended by 22 participants and was held in the KPLT Meeting Room on the 2nd floor. This event was organized by the FT UNY Quality Assurance Unit.

Main points of discussion:

Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Widodo, ST., M.T., ASEAN Eng., IPM, presented some important points related to ASIIN accreditation:

  • Budget cuts: ASIIN accreditation is transferred to the faculty with a 20% budget cuts. Industrial Engineering: The Industrial Engineering Studies Program will implement accreditations by 2024.
  • UPM activities: The Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) is expected to plan activities in coordination with the faculty.
  • Check List and Deadline: Ms. Bonita will make a check list with a deadline for the end of January.
  • Accreditation fee: The faculty will negotiate with the rectorate regarding accreditation fees.
  • Prodi S1 with Accreditation B: Prodi B1 that is still accredited is expected to raise the accreditation rating by 2025.
  • Accreditation Preparedness: Industrial Engineering is ready to carry out this year's accreditation, while Architecture and Engineering Sciences are still in preparation.

Dr. Ir. Darmono, MT., adds:

  • Activity Continues: The work must continue even though the Activity and Budget Plan (RKA) does not exist.
  • Budget Absorption Target: In June-July, budget absorption should reach 70 per cent. Assumption Consequences: If the budget cannot be absorbed, then the funding will be reduced next year.

Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., conveyed that:

  • Accreditation invitation: Koorprodi S1 Industrial Engineering, S1 Architecture, and S3 Engineering Sciences have been invited by the center to conduct new prodi accreditation. Re-accreditation: Prodi who are still accredited B will be invited to do re-acreditation by the centre.

Bonita Destiana, M.Pd., gives some information:

  • UNY has applied for ASIIN accreditation for two faculties, namely FT and FMIPA.
  • Form Revision: The longer the revision takes, the longer the visitation takes.
  • Fix Note: Some fix records are minor, but need to be completed immediately.
  • Accessory document: Some misguided attachments from Mrs. Diah's team and the mapping curriculum need to be fixed.
  • Prodi names: Names for each prodi must be adjusted immediately.
  • Semester Learning Plan (RPS): There are still homework for RPS Automotive Engineering.
  • Deadline: The order for the deadline is the end of January 2024, with the submission of the final revision on Monday, January 28, 2024.
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The meeting ended with an agreement to continue coordinating the revision of the SAR ASIIN form so that all requirements and documents needed can be fulfilled on time and with the best quality. This activity is an important step in FT UNY's efforts to achieve higher international accreditation and improve the quality of education in the faculty.

Thus, it is hoped that all study programs at FT UNY can prepare themselves well and meet the accreditation standards that have been set, for the sake of continuous improvement in the quality of education.

Editor: RAA