Rencana Kerja Unit Penjaminan Mutu FT UNY Tahun 2024

UPM FT UNY - On Wednesday, February 7, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held a meeting to discuss the work plan of the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) in 2024. This activity took place starting at 11.00 WIB in the 2nd Floor KPLT Conference Room and was attended by 25 participants. This meeting was held with the aim of compiling and coordinating various programs that will be run throughout the year.
Key Points in the Meeting:
1. Introduction of Old and New Members:
- Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T. as Chairperson.
- Bonita Destiana, M.Pd. as Secretary.
- Ir. Yosep Efendi, M.Pd. as Quality Development Division Coordinator.
- Muh. Munir, M.Pd. as the Coordinator of Monev Audit Division.
- GPM (Quality Assurance Group) members from various study programs, including Dr. Yuwono Indro Hatmojo, M.Eng., Amelia Fauziah Husna, S.Pd., M.Pd., Yudi Utomo Putra, M.T., Bekti Wulandari, M.Pd., and others.

2. Study Program Accreditation:
Four study programs will participate in ASIIN Field Assessor (AL) based on a letter from BAN PT. Currently, they have submitted and are in the process of revision and waiting for AL.
3. Curriculum Quality Assurance:
Monitoring the progress of curriculum activities and follow-up of the Strategic Plan, including the preparation of achievement tables and narratives adjusted to the university's Strategic Plan.
4. MBKM and Capstone Design Guidelines:
Reviewing the preparation of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) guide and plans to invite resource persons for the Capstone Design workshop.
5. Routine Activities:
Includes emonev (monitoring evaluation), surveys, tracer studies, AMI (Internal Quality Audit), SPMI (Internal Quality Assurance System) Award portfolio, and measurement of understanding of vision and mission.
6. Emonev Report and AMI Assistance:
Each GPM is expected to make emonev reports for each study program, with assistance when filling out AMI.
7. SPMI Award and Benchmarking:
SPMI Award will be held annually at the faculty level with presentations and portfolios. A benchmarking plan in the Central Java area has also been developed.
8. Division:
Division of members in two divisions, namely Quality Development Division and Audit M&E Division.
9. Preparation of Capstone Design Guidelines:
Became an innovative program in the SPMI portfolio, with a focus on preparing guidelines for measuring CPMK (Course Learning Outcomes).
Dr. Giri Wiyono, M.T. Delivered:
- The importance of knowing the budget to carry out activities.
- Audience with leaders related to quality assurance space.
- The curriculum must lead to Outcome-Based Education (OBE).
- Monitoring the readiness of lecturers when teaching with the be-smart platform.
- Implementation of surveys and tracer studies in faculties and study programs.
- The importance of MBKM guidelines for lecturers.
- Plenary meetings every three or six months to determine decisions and build a culture of attendance.
The meeting ended with a joint commitment to implement the work plan that had been prepared, and improve the quality of education and quality assurance at the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. All parties agreed to continue to work together and coordinate in order to achieve the targets that have been set.
Editor: RAA