Vision & Mission

Making FT UNY a faculty that excels in managing an education quality assurance system that can fulfill stakeholder satisfaction by supporting the vision and mission of FT UNY to become a superior, creative, and innovative faculty in the field of technology and vocational education.
- Manage the Faculty of Engineering's internal quality assurance system to make sure that academic, professional, and vocational education is of high quality.
- Manage the Faculty of Engineering's internal quality assurance system to make sure that the quality of work in both educational and non-educational research is high.
- Manage the Faculty of Engineering's internal quality assurance system to make sure that community service and empowerment are done well.
- Manage the internal quality assurance system of the Faculty of Engineering to ensure good, clean, and accountable governance and performance of the faculty and work units under it.
Improved equality of opportunity and quality of input through the selection of superior seeds by expanding the scope and area of schools.
- Increasing the relevance and quality of education and teaching includes:
- Improving the quality of the curriculum through the evaluation of syllabi and worksheets as well as the provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure
- Improving the quality of teaching and learning facilities and infrastructure based on an evaluation of how well they are used, taking into account the use factor and occupancy density, and doing regular maintenance and repairs with the help of the production unit.
- Improved program evaluation refers to the annual plan and self-evaluation.
- improved education management and utilization of information networks in carrying out education and teaching as well as services to students.
An increase in the graduate achievement index, a decrease in the length of study, and an increase in the speed of obtaining a job
Improving the competence of lecturers, faculty administrative staff, and technicians
Provide understanding and awareness to lecturers, administrative staff, technicians, and everyone involved in the teaching and learning process regarding the importance of providing quality education and teaching.