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Capacity building of lecturers is a systematic process for the development of knowledge, skills, values, behavior, motivation and abilities for optimal performance. How to measure it, of course, we can observe the main performance indicators and additional performance indicators. This was conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D. in his presentation at the Webinar Series organized by the Learning Resource Center of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (PSB FT UNY) - (04/08/2021).

Herman explained that the Key Performance Indicators are the basis for the transformation of higher education which includes three things. "First, the quality of graduates, whether they get a decent job or students get enough experience outside the campus. Second, the quality of lecturers and teachers, namely lecturer activities outside the campus, practitioners who teach on campus, and how much the work of lecturers is used by the community or gets international recognition. Third on the quality of the curriculum, namely how many study programs collaborate with world-class partners, then how far collaborative and participatory classes have been developed and how many international standard study programs," he said.

Then the next highlight is how we strive to make research at FT UNY more oriented towards utilization by the community or market driven. One funding scheme from the Ministry for this aspect is called Kedai Reka, Alhamdulillah, from UNY two proposals were approved that have passed the budget verification stage from none other than the Faculty of Engineering, namely, the team of Dr. phill. Nurhening Yuniarti and Dr. Aris Nasuha.

There is also the acceleration of scientific practices from campus in the business world and the world of work as well as accelerating the downstreaming of campus research products. Therefore, we encourage lecturers in FT UNY to continue to synergize with industry so that these innovations can also be immediately utilized by the wider community.

Herman continued that the derivatives of the Key Performance Indicators and policies from the university can be formulated into several actions to increase capacity, namely further studies, competency training, industrial internships, upgrading research competence, upgrading pedagogical competence, upgrading digital literacy, upgrading publication competence and improving noble character.