Preparation of Renstra FT UNY 2024 Early Stage: Building Strategic Foundations for the Future

UPM FT UNY - On Thursday, February 22, 2024, the Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held an important meeting for the preparation of the Strategic Plan (Renstra) FT UNY 2024 Early Stage. The event was held from 08.00 BGN until it was completed in the KPLT Meeting Room of the 2nd Floor Technical Faculty, with the attendance of 17 participants consisting of the Renstra team.
The meeting was organized by the FT UNY Quality Assurance Unit with the aim of formulating the initial steps in the preparation of the Renstra to be implemented by 2024. The event opened with the welcome and support of the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs (WD AKA), Prof. Dr. Ir. Slamet Widodo, ST., M.T., ASEAN Eng., IPM. In its opening, he emphasized several important points related to the goals and strategies to be achieved, among them:
- Renstra FT targets in March: UNY FT Renstra is expected to be completed in March 2024 and will be forwarded to the study programme.
- Budget for Renstra Activities: Special budget has been made available to support Renstra preparation activities.
- Coordinated Mission Vision: The faculty's vision and mission will be aligned with the Dies Natalis report to ensure suitability and relevance.
- Development of Study Programs: Development of S2 Nondik, Machinery, and Information Technology curricula becomes a priority.
- Lecturer Needs: The Electrical Engineering Study Program currently lacks two lecturers, which need to be filled immediately.
- Sarana and Prasarana Development: Improvement and development of facilities and prasarana becomes one of the main focus.
Next, Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., gives an explanation of the targets and achievements that need to be improved. He said that the 2022 target has been achieved, but the 2023 target has not been properly formulated so improvements and improvements need to be made.

In the ongoing discussion, all participants consisting of faculty leaders, program coordinators, and active educators gave input as well as constructive advice to ensure that the Renstra prepared can be an effective strategic guide.
This early stage is a crucial first step in ensuring that the UNY Engineering Faculty is ready to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities in the future. With a strong strategic foundation, it is expected that FT UNY can continue to improve the quality of education, research, and commitment to society as well as achieving the vision and mission set.
Editor: RAA