Preparation of Laboratory and Workshop Standards to prepare a standardized lab/workshop (ISO approach)

Penjamu FT UNY - The Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held an activity to prepare laboratory and workshop standards with an ISO approach on August 09, 2023. This event is part of the efforts to improve the quality of laboratories and workshops carried out by the Faculty of Engineering UNY. This activity was attended by 33 participants and was held in a hybrid format, combining online and offline formats, in the KPLT Conference Room.
The activity agenda began at 08.30 WIB until 12.00 WIB, with the opening by MC Bonita Destiana, M.Pd, which was then followed by singing the Indonesia Raya Song. The next speech was delivered by Dr. Dra. Umi Rochayati, M.T., as the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Engineering UNY. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of improving the quality of laboratories and workshops as a step to increase faculty income. Faculty of Engineering UNY has 86 laboratories and workshops spread across 6 different Departments.

Furthermore, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, M.Sc, MT, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNY, conveyed the faculty's commitment to have laboratories and workshops with superior quality. In addition to improving the quality of education, this is also considered to have the potential to increase faculty income. Prof. Herman also highlighted the importance of the role of Laboratory Coordinator (Koorlab) and Workshop Coordinator (Korbeng) in maintaining laboratory and workshop quality standards.
In the first session, Drs. Metrison from the Ministry of Industry, Center for Leather, Rubber, and Plastics (BBKKP) was the presenter. He explained about the implementation of accreditation systems and schemes at BBKKP and the importance of accurate data in taking laboratory standard requirements. Drs. Metrison also highlighted the importance of commitment, training, financial support, and government support in the successful implementation of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the laboratory.
The second session was filled by Triningsih Herlinawati, SP, M.Si., who talked about the selection of services that are in demand by public services, identification of activities that can increase revenue, and the importance of good role models in achieving high quality standards. Triningsih also highlighted the potential for cooperation with universities in helping MSMEs and the importance of standardization in laboratories or workshops that focus on prototype tools.

This activity ended with a discussion and question and answer session that gave participants the opportunity to interact and gain a deeper understanding of the preparation of laboratory and workshop standards based on the ISO approach. The organization of this activity is a concrete effort of the Faculty of Engineering UNY in improving the quality of laboratories and workshops as part of their commitment to provide quality education and support industrial development in the region.
Editor: RAA