Preparation of Faculty of Engineering Tracer Study Report

UPM FT UNY - Yogyakarta, September 7, 2023 - The Faculty of Engineering of Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held a meeting to prepare a tracer study report on Thursday, September 7, 2023, from 12:30 to 16:00 WIB in the KPLT Conference Room, 2nd Floor. This activity was organized by the Quality Assurance Unit of FT UNY and attended by 17 participants.
Dr. Umi Rochayati, M.T., said that the tracer study is very useful for preparing the curriculum and preparing for the re-accreditation of the Civil Engineering undergraduate study program. She also emphasized the importance of TS-2 to TS-4 to get a good accreditation score. In addition, S1 Murni will conduct re-accreditation in 2025 based on suggestions from Mr. Joko and will be further consulted with Prof. Khairudin.

Yuniar Indrihapsari, M.Eng., outlined some important findings from the tracer study, among others:
- Mechanical engineering alumni average income of 6.2 million rupees, which also includes civil engineering and Boga.
- Lack of alumni participation in filling in tracer study instruments, resulting in biased data.
- The average alumni reporting their work in accordance with their field of study was 36%. UNY's overall contribution was well rated, but there was input for improving English language skills, negotiation, and skills outside the main field.
- There was no significant correlation between the IPK and the jobs chosen by the alumni, with the data being widely distributed.
- Work waiting times vary: under IPK 3.4 requires more than one year, while above IPK 4.47 requires a waiting time of about three months.
- A lot of blank data relates to corporate categories and income, so it cannot be concluded thoroughly.
- The socialization of the last tracer study was done in 2022 at the Rohan Hotel.
- The average alumni wait between 3-6 months to get a job.
- The company that invited the most interviews was D3 Civil Engineering.
- The scholarship office has a network in college and in entrepreneurship.
- The trend of the last two years shows a shift from PNS domination to national and international corporations.
- 12% of alumni stated that their work did not match their field of study.
- Alumni often change phone numbers, but remain active on social media.
- Alumni need up to four reminders to fill in the tracer study.
- Recommendations for the formation of a special tracer study team and the obligation to complete tracer studies at the time of the legalization of the degree.

Bonita Destiana, M.Pd., Munir, M.Pd., and Yosep Efendi, M.Pd., provided the following inputs:
- Determining the salary range, for example 1 million to 5 million rupiah, with a minimum salary of 1.2 times the UMR according to the Ministry of Higher Education.
- Determination of the waiting time range to get a job.
- Assessment of job relevance with high, medium, and low levels.
- Making a written letter that requires alumni to fill out a tracer study.
- Follow-up of tracer study results to formulate policies.
- Follow up on graduate competencies that are not in accordance with industry needs and convey them during the Faculty Work Meeting (RKF).
- Overcoming the problem of alumni who lack confidence or are shy, especially regarding salaries that are sufficient with the UMR.
- Seek information about jobs in school or industry for smaller salary ranges.
- Career centers are advised to use the term “take home pay” rather than “salary”.
- Listing of D4 transfer alumni in the footnotes of the report.
- Organize personal branding activities to increase alumni confidence.
- Reaffirming the importance of the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) method to shape the character of students who are able to think computationally and critically.
This activity is expected to provide clear guidelines for improving the quality of education and preparing for re-accreditation of study programs at the Faculty of Engineering UNY.
Editor: RAA