Preparation of Emonev Learning Report at the beginning of the odd semester of academic year 2023/2024

Penjamu FT UNY - The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (FT UNY) held an activity to prepare the Emonev Learning Report for the beginning of the odd semester of the academic year 2023/2024. The activity, which took place on Thursday, October 12, 2023, from 12:30 to 16:00 WIB offline, involved various parties from the faculty's quality assurance unit.
In-depth Review of Emonev Report
WD BAKA explained several points that were highlighted, including the importance of criticism brought by students, the alignment of study program names to avoid CPNS problems, and the consideration between following the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) and Conditional National Performance Level Development (PTNBH). He also revealed a plan to change the Vice Dean at FT UNY and emphasized the importance of training for leaders to understand the emonev system.
- Filling address through the system
- Total number of questionnaires filled in 82.64%
- The number of unfilled questionnaires is 17.36%
- Questionnaires filled in DPTE
No |
Program Studi |
Isian Masuk |
Mengisi |
Belum Mengisi |
Pendidikan Teknik Elektro – S2 |
50.53 % |
49.47 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Elektro – S1 |
85.69 % |
14.31 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Mekatronika – S1 |
82.53 % |
17.47 % |
Teknik Elektro – S1 |
91.76 %
8.24 % |
- Angket terisi DPTEI
No |
Program Studi |
Isian Masuk |
Mengisi |
Belum Mengisi |
Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika – S2 |
35.90 % |
64.1 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika – S1 |
71.15 % |
28.85 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Informatika – S1 |
79.22 % |
20.78 % |
Teknologi Informasi – S1 |
100.00 % |
0 % |
- Angket terisi DPTM
No |
Program Studi |
Isian Masuk |
Mengisi |
Belum Mengisi |
Pendidikan Teknik Mesin – S2 |
31.72 % |
68.28 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Mesin – S1 |
71.55 % |
28.45 % |
Teknik Manufaktur – S1 |
91.97 % |
8.03 % |
- Angket terisi DPTO
No |
Program Studi |
Isian Masuk |
Mengisi |
Belum Mengisi |
Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif – S1 |
81.57 % |
18.43 % |
- Angket terisi DPTSP
No |
Program Studi |
Isian Masuk |
Mengisi |
Belum Mengisi |
Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan – S1 |
86.28 % |
13.72 % |
Teknik Sipil – S1 |
92.65 % |
7.35 % |
Arsitektur – S1 |
90.65 % |
9.35 % |
- Angket terisi DPTBB
No |
Program Studi |
Isian Masuk |
Mengisi |
Belum Mengisi |
Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga – S2 |
68.31 % |
31.69 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Boga – S1 |
78.13 % |
21.87 % |
Pendidikan Teknik Busana– S1 |
86.93 % |
13.07 % |
Teknik Industri – S1 |
98.85 % |
1.15 % |
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Theory Course Lectures is on average very good
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Theory Course Lectures is on average very good
- Departments within the Faculty of Engineering UNY, with details: 20 study programs received a very good predicate, so it needs to be maintained.
- Implementation of laboratory courses with the Very Good category for all departments in the Faculty of Engineering UNY, with details: 12 study programs get very good predicates, so they need to be maintained. 2 study programs get good predicates, so they need to be improved.
- Implementation of workshop courses with Very Good category at the Faculty of Engineering UNY, with details: 8 study programs received excellent predicates, so they need to be maintained. 1 study program received a good predicate, so it needs to be improved.
Implementation of Final Project course lectures with Very Good category at the Faculty of Engineering UNY, with details: 12 study programs received excellent predicates, so they need to be maintained. 5 study programs received good predicates, so they need to be improved.
Further Development Plan
Bonita Destiana, M.Pd., discussed plans to involve the Directorate of Quality Assurance to make the emonev report more detailed in the coming year. She also underlined the importance of including certain activities in the following year's Budget Work Plan, as well as ensuring an increase in respondents in the end-of-semester report.
Special Demands from Dr. Khusni Sauqi, M.Pd.
Dr. Khusni Sauqi, M.Pd. highlighted the need for reports per study program to meet the demands of the Internal Self-Assessment (AMI). He also proposed an instrument specifically prepared for the purpose of the competition to increase participation and effectiveness of the activity.
In the ensuing discussion, FT UNY stakeholders intensively discussed the strategies and follow-up needed to develop a more effective and comprehensive emonev report.
Editor: RAA