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Field Assessment of the Applicant Bachelor of Automotive Machinery Study Program (D4)

Field Assessment of the Applicant Bachelor of Automotive Machinery Study Program (D4)

The Applied Undergraduate Automotive Engine Study Program (D4), Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University underwent an online Field Assessment (AL) process with representatives of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) for accreditation assessment on Wednesday - Thursday (02-03/06/2021). The BAN-PT assessor in charge of the AL was Suharyadi Pancono, Dipl. Ing. HTL. M.T., (Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic) and Prof. Dr.Ir.Dipl.-Ing. Berkah Fajar Tamtomo Kiono (Diponegoro University). The opening ceremony began with remarks from the Rector of Yogyakarta State University, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO.

The Rector of UNY said that the D4 Automotive Engine Study Program is one of the mainstays at UNY which is always committed to contributing to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. "Even the existence of this study program has contributed various achievements both at the national and international levels," he said.

"Through this forum, we hope to get input, criticism and feedback from the assessors so that we can improve the quality of study program management in UNY," said the Rector of UNY.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FT UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D., said that the Applied Undergraduate Automotive Engine Study Program (D4) is a metamorphosis of D3 Automotive Engineering based on the direction of the Higher Education which is expected to strengthen the applied undergraduate level or D4 which is the answer to future industrial challenges.

"The goal is to increase the competence of our workforce in accordance with the demands of the world of work so that graduates are not only skilled in their fields but also have the ability to become creators, innovators and leaders," continued the Dean of FT UNY.

Suharyadi Pancono, Dipl. Ing. HTL. M.T., in his speech said that the progress at UNY is quite good if you look at quite a number of study programs that have been accredited A. "So for about two days we will share more by complying with the code of ethics set by BAN-PT," said Suharyadi Pancono, Dipl. Ing. HTL. M.T.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr.Ir.Dipl.-Ing. Berkah Fajar Tamtomo Kiono in his speech explained that the accreditation process is more or less clarification related to the documents that have been sent.

After the opening, the event then continued with the verification process of Form III A and Form III B of the Faculty and Study Program. There are seven standards that are reviewed as the basis for assessment, including (1) vision, mission, goals and objectives, and achievement strategies, (2) governance, leadership, management systems and quality assurance, (3) students and graduates, (4) human resources, (5) curriculum, learning and academic atmosphere, (6) financing, facilities and infrastructure, and information systems, (7) research, service / community service and cooperation.