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The Electronics Engineering Education Study Program Maintains Accreditation A

The Electronics Engineering Education Study Program Maintains Accreditation A

The Electronics Engineering Education Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) has successfully maintained its A accreditation based on BAN-PT Decree No.8673/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VI/2021, which is valid until June 11, 2026. This achievement was achieved again thanks to the quality of the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program which is always improved from time to time. This accreditation assessment is carried out by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) periodically, once every 5 years, which includes various aspects, such as vision, mission, goals and objectives, as well as achievement strategies, management systems, students and graduates, human resources, curriculum, facilities, infrastructure, information systems, research, service / community service, and cooperation.

Head of the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program, Dr. phil. Mashoedah, M.T., explained that maintaining accreditation is not an easy thing. Many aspects are seen in this accreditation assessment, not only about study program management, but also about input and output related to how the study program gets new students to the quality of alumni. "In the process, the quality of lecturers and teaching and learning activities is also maintained as well as the relationship with students so that they feel comfortable to process in this study program," he said.

"While expressing gratitude, accreditation A is also a responsibility and a big challenge to continue to maintain quality because the future challenges are getting bigger in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning processes, the quality of human resources, the quality of management and governance, as well as the quality of graduates, and cooperation with outside parties," she explained.

Moreover, nowadays, universities continue to be encouraged to achieve international accreditation through improving the quality of lecturers and the quality of education as a guarantee of university quality in the eyes of the international public," continued Mashoedah. 

"We would like to thank all leaders, lecturers, education staff, alumni, students, and stakeholders for their cooperation. We will compensate for this satisfactory result with improvements from various sides on an ongoing basis," said Mashoeda.