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Benchmarking of the FT UNY Quality Assurance Unit with UGM and UPI

Benchmarking of the FT UNY Quality Assurance Unit with UGM and UPI

The Comparative Study of the FT UNY Quality Assurance Team with UPI was held on Friday, March 19, 2021, which is part of the efforts related to quality assurance so that we can get better and more advanced, so it is necessary for UPI and UNY to learn from each other. Apart from learning, there can be sharing related to quality assurance operations. According to Tajyani Busono (UPI), the implementation of quality assurance activities is guided by the UPI guidebook (UPI quality assurance unit). AQAS was chosen by UPI because the accreditation process does not stop until the certificate, but accompanied by having to make a report for benchmarks. In 2021, the Faculty of Engineering UNY carried out AQAS accreditation in 4 study programs and the results of the AQAS accreditation stated that FT UNY was AQAS accredited.

Then a comparative study of the Quality Assurance Unit of FT UNY with UGM was held on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Learning from the Office of the Host under the Rector of UGM, UGM has its own office specifically for quality assurance. FT UGM has quality assurance at the department level and at the study program level. The faculty is responsible for internal quality audits. Who will prepare the accreditation of study programs. Learning from the quality assurance of FT UGM, FT UNY can learn from the experience of UGM which has many internationally accredited study programs.